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66740 Saarlouis
Wohnen & Garten 17.04.2019

First of all. I´d like to thank you for listening to me. After I run away I thought life would get better and better. Being free would be the greatest gift someone could have. At least that is what my mother always told me. That someday we could go wherever we please to go. After I finally made it I realized that it wasn’t true. No one I met believed in my story. And now I feel more imprisoned than ever before. After all this time stolen from me, my mother and my brother it seems unfair that I have to live my life hidden away from everyones eyes. I´m starving, I´m freezing and I feel like my future is worth nothing. Now I´d like to tell you some facts, that you know who I am and what´s my story. My name is Jamie Lee. I am the daughter from Veronica Blumhorst. I am sure you heard about her disappearing. My mother came down with a son. She named him after her younger brother Todd. But he past after a few months. Later she gave birth to my other brother and than to me. When I turned 5 years old we left the USA. We lived in in France and Luxembourg, hidden away from everyones eyes. We were raised very religious. When I turned 15 my mother passed away. And after a few more years my brother gave me the opportunity to run away. And now here I am. All alone. With no help. I always thought that the people outside would be like in my dreams. That they would help me . That charity was something worth to live after. But I realized that this world follows its own rules. I´m writing this to you to see if anyone is willing to get me some help. I´m grateful for a lot of things.
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